Will Stein

Founder and Principal Broker
(410) 231-3757

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Will Stein

Those who know Will Stein say he acts with integrity and honesty. A family man first, Will has been married for eight years to a school teacher in Annapolis, and together have two children.

In 2016, Will Stein was awarded the prestigious 40Under40 designation in the category of business among other recipients within the arts and humanities, education, engineering, health, fitness, public service, and science. Stein was selected for his record of integrity in business, cited: “Stein has tirelessly carved a business path where ethics define policy and honesty drives business by continually defining what is in the best interest of the client, often creating out-of-the-box solutions, and sometimes upsetting other agents as he throws out the status quo.” In addition, he is a 50% partner of a leading real estate consulting firm based out of Reston, VA who was interviewed and quoted in Consumer Reports, NPR Marketplace, Equifax Real Estate, and MSN Real Estate – and that was just in August!

While best known for his ethics in business, his track record is just as impressive. Check out reviews from both buyers and sellers and you’ll find that at the end of a transaction, clients are overwhelmingly satisfied both in service execution, as well as consistently netting more money for his clients.

Will Stein, knowing that he could do more when he was acting in the best interest of his client, not in the best interest of a boss. His ethics have taken him far, and time and time again clients state that he continues to put integrity and honesty at the forefront of all business practices.

Actual Client Reviews

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